Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Day 1

Start weight - May 2009: 74.7kg
Current Weight: 69.3kg

Almost a year ago a joined the weight loss program at my local gym. It included 3 circuit classes a week and a Weight Watchers meeting on a Saturday morning.

I was skeptical of the WW meetings at first. Surely, thinking it was another weight loss scam attended by new mothers and middle aged women.

Thankfully, due to a fantastic leader I warmed to the program almost straight away. Also, the fact I could, technically, eat anything I wanted didn't hurt either.

Over 6 months I lost about 10kg and was feeling fantastic. I was not only a weight watchers convert but I was actually enjoying regular exercise, running in fun runs, and I had completely changed how I felt about food. I still struggled, like everyone, with my own vices. I had binge eating issues that I was dealing with and I was slowly culling my cupboards of all preservatives and additives.

I looked in the mirror, and while I still had a way to go, I liked what I saw.

Then I went away for a work conference. I went to the gym on the first day and I tracked, but slowly things slipped out of my control. By the end of the weekend I felt bloated and horrible and I had put on 3 kgs.

I lost most of that but then it was my birthday. Then Christmas and a trip to Dublin and Paris. Then I broke up with my long term boyfriend. Then I got sick. Then my mum went to hospital.

The fact I have only put on 4.3kgs is amazing to me. I felt like all the good work I had done was coming unravelled. All those months of forming good habits, down the drain.

But that's not the case, of course. Sure, some things have crept back in but I know something now I didn't know a year ago. I know what works.

I know what my triggers are, I know what I should and shouldn't be eating. I know what I can get away with. I know what exercise I like and don't like. I know how far I can push my body.

So I'm back at weight watchers meetings. I love my meetings and my leader, Andy. I'm inspired to the point that I'm thinking the meeting I made with a psychiatrist to discuss my binge eating might not be necessary.

So I'm making myself a promise. I'm answering Bitch Cakes call to dedication. I will go to every single WW meeting I can. If I'm away for a weekend I will weigh in early at a city meeting. If I'm unexpectadly sick I will weigh in late. I will not miss another meeting because if I have to go to a meeting for the rest of my life, it will be worth it.

This is my goal, for now. And below, my weekly goals.

Weekly Goals

Follow my food plan: I have already planned and tracked all my meals for the next week. I have almost all the ingredients I need for all my meals - some are even already cooked and in the freezer. All I need to do is follow the plan

Follow my exercise plan: As with food, I have planned all my exercise for the week. All I want to do is stick to it. I don't plan to push myself hard or give it 110%. All I plan is to get out of bed and do it. Today was my first circuit in well over a week. I took it easy (still have a terrible cough) but I'm so proud I did it. Strength will come in time and I'll be able really push myself physically, but for now, the challenge is getting out of bed.

Water, water, water: The one area I have severely fallen off the wagon. I used to drink litres a day but now, I barely manage more than 3 small glasses - and that's on a good day. I will drink 8 glasses of water daily and track it in my online tracker.

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