Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mid-week update

Time for the mid-week update and to see how I'm tracking for my goals this week.

I have found that I have been much better at sticking to my yearly goals by checking in on them every month so I imagine this will have the same affect.

Follow my food plan: I haven't been great at that this week. I made my plan on Friday and added everything into my food tracker. I should be clear that, of course, ideally I would like to stick that what I plan 100%, but life doesn't always allow for that. Friend's invite me out for dinner, I don't feel like what I have planned, I over indulge and have to make the points up elsewhere. So for me, staying on plan isn't so much about eating every morsel I have pre-planned. It's about successfully making adjustments so the outcome of my eating is more or less the same.

Having said that, this week, so far, hasn't been awesome. I overindulged at the weekend, binged on Monday and there is no way that I can save enough points between now and Saturday to even this out.

On the upside, the binge was small and I tracked everything and other things have gone well so I'm generally quite pleased. I have pulled the book "Shrink Yourself" off my shelves again to try and regain control of my emotional eating and my new committment to attending all Weight Watchers meeting has really helped me ward off any potential eating frenzies.

Follow my exercise plan: So far, so good! The only exercise I skipped was Sunday morning yoga in lieu of shopping, but I ended up doing a 60 mninute walk that more than made up the exercise points.

I also decided to try interval running this morning instead of my usual straight 30 minutes run. I did 21 minutes of actual running interspersed with roughly 10 minutes of walking and a walk at the end of about 10 minutes to cool down.

I LOVED it! I found that I really pushed myself a lot harder when I ran and (apart from my coughing fit and the fact it got really cold) I felt like I could have gone for ages. I look forward to using intervals to challenge myself over the coming weeks.

Water, water, water:  SO much better than previous weeks. I haven't quite made my 8 glasses every day but I try very very hard. Also I drank a lot of water on the weekend which was my real aim as that's usually when I forget! Looks like I'll easily make 8 glasses today so I'll aim for the same over the next few days.

I have weigh in tomorrow instead of Saturday due to Easter so I'm not expecting much. In fact, I doubt I'll loose and it's highly likely I'll put on! But I'm not worried. I feel like I've made so much progress this week emotionally and mentally that it's really only a matter of time (hopefully not too much) before I'm back where I was 6 months ago.

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