Friday, March 11, 2011

Weekly accomplishments

Ok so keeping track daily isn't working, but a weekly reflection on some awesome things I did? Let's see how that goes!

Im reflecting from last Friday to Friday lunch time

Things I did awesome!

I went to the gym twice this week. That's 100% more often than the week before
I rode to and/or from work 4 times this week
I started running again
I tried my first class at the new gym - boxing! I was intimidated for the first few minutes then I realised I'm not nearly as unfit as I thought and remembered how much I LOVE boxing
I stopped myself from eating extra after dinner once. It was really hard, but I did it and felt so proud when I woke up
Everytime I overate I didn't beat myself up. Instead I focused on how it made me feel (mostly lethargic, full and sick!) and thought about what i could do better/differently next time.
I went shopping early one morning and bought lots of nice food when it would have been just as easy to sleep in
I've been a little more organised around the house, spending more time cleaning and organising than usual
I remembered to drink a glass of water most mornings with breakfast
Have set myself some realistic goals of what to work on next week rather than expecting too much of myself.

Things I can work on

I overestimated how much I could eat a few times - for example last Friday I ate a huge pork katsu don and then a mcflurry. I felt so full! I could have had half of the katsu don and then a billabong ice cream instead. i would have been just as satisfied
I ate extra after dinner most nights when I didn't really need it.
I would have gone to the gym 3 ngihts this week but I'm coming down with a flu, today. I want to start taking multi vitamins and eating more vegatables to combat this
More water! I really think this will help with my overall well being and eating at night.
Be a little more organised - ie spend some of my night cleaning rather than just sitting and eating and watching TV.
I keep weighing myself even though I said I wouldn't. Need to put those scales away!

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