I typed "motivation" into the WW search engine and came up with the A-Z list of motivation and have decided to create my own personalised motivation plan, based on theirs. I plan to put this into action in the month of May to see if it makes any difference!
Action 1 Adapt your food plan
I find things work best for me when I cook my meals in advance and ensure that they have all of the nutrients I need. I also need to have something that feels like a treat, but isn't. In the first 6 months of WW I would come back from my meeting, plan all my meals and then go shopping. I will start doing this again in the month of May (starting from this Saturday, the 1st).
3 meals + 1 baked good + desserts
Action 2 Be specific
WW says; "Be specific about your goals. How will you feel when you've achieved them? What will you see? What will you hear?"
I will feel proud of myself when I acheieve them. I will feel like I worked hard to make changes that I can keep for life. Worked hard to find things that don't feel like hard work. I will look in the mirror and feel content with what I see. I will hear my friends complimenting me again on how I look. I will feel strong and confident not just because I'm thinner, but because I acheived what I set out to and invested time and effort in myself.
Action 3 - Create small goals and rewards
Since gaining all this weight recently all I can think about is that 64.8kg I once saw on my home scales. I need to forget about that. That's the past. I need to go back to my usual weekly goal of 500 g.
- Goal 1: 68kg Reward: Magazine
- Goal 2: 67.5kg Reward: Bikini Wax
- Goal 4: 67kg Reward: Chinese massage
- Goal 5: 66.5kg: Reward: New make up
- Goal 6: 66 kg: Reward: New shoes
Action 4 - Do something different
WW says; "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. So if what you're doing isn't working, do something different."
I need to identify what isn't working and fix it. What isn't working is being able to resist the candy box, being able to motivate myself for exercise, getting complacent?
How will I fix it?
- Bring 0 point snacks to work so I always have something to munch on.
- Research exercise bike training programs so I have a goal to work towards
- Repeat to myself that it is not good enough to skip exercise and eat candy!
I actually think I've done a pretty good job at this already and my life has changed considerably - it's just sticking to them. There are a few things I've done in the past that have worked for me but I haven't kept them up lately. In May I will work the following into my routine
- Washing up straight after dinner as this stops be from binge eating and lowers my house-mess related stress levels
- Brush my teeth straight after dinner - great for binging and also good for dental hygiene
- Go for a walk straight after lunch at work - to keep me away from the candy box
Saying no is a big issue for me. Especially when it comes to food, and more recently, booze!
- My only goal here really, is to say "No, thank you" to anything that isn't on plan. And be confident about it!
Action 7 Get Help
I need a support group. I need WW meetings, they really work for me. I also need an exercise partner!
- My goal in May is to start one personal training session a week with Lee.
Action 8 Have fun
Winter is approaching which is a sure-fire way to stay at home and eat myself fat. I wont do that this winter.
- My goal in May is to spend Saturday out and about visiting at least 1 friend.
- Another goal is to get back into Sunday morning yoga
- In May I will promise my mum I will call in once a week with my weight and to have a chat - another lifeline will definitely help!
- Money is another big one, I need to put away a little cash every week for my reward. I will put away $20 in an envelope every week specifically for that purpose
- In the month of May I will not miss one single WW meeting
- In May, I will not give up
WW says; "Practise new behaviours until they become habits – it takes approximately 21 'repeats' for something to become a habit"
- My first 21 day goal will be to drink 4 glasses of water before I leave the house in the morning
- My second day goal will to be to not binge eat for 21 days employing the washing up/brushing teeth straight after dinner method
I find that journalling, calling a friend and going for a walk are my three top ways of dealing with extreme emotions.
- In May I will adopt the saying "write, walk, call" for anytime I feel stressed or upset, rather than eating
This means finding substitutes or ways to satisfy cravings. I do this a lot with exercise - I can skip the gym but only if I clean my house top-to-bottom - that sort of thing. And with food I'll substitute popcorn if I want to binge because it means I get to eat for a long period of time without consuming too many points. I will continue to do this!
Action 13 Overcome setbacks.
If I make a mistake, I will not allow it to lead to a ginge or complete break down
Action 14 Plan ahead
Plan and shop for my meals Saturday morning after WW meeting, no excuses.
Action 15 Quit unhelpful habits
My biggest unhelpful habit is TV. Put me in front of one, and you're almost garunteed a binge.
- In May I will live without my TV for a month
Ok I find this a bit naff.
- Instead in May I will read one WW Motivation story per night
Here are my goals in the positive
- I want to be happy with my body
- I want to feel strong
- I want to feel proud of myself
- I will think "what would a thin person do"
I'm already pretty good at this but;
- In May I will track everything I eat, every day
- When I wake up in the morning I will spend 5 minutes thinking about what I would look like slim
No issue there - but;
- I will put away my scales and *only* weigh myself once a week.
- I will try 1 new recipe or product every week
- Each day on this blog I will write down one positive thing I have done, no matter how bad the day has been
Wish me luck!
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