Saturday, April 3, 2010

A journal a day...

Today there was no Weight Watchers meeting, so instead of writing about what was discussed I decided to try journalling my food and activity for the whole day. Here's what I cam up with


8.00am: Alarm goes off, can't open my eyes, reset for 8.20

8.20am: Get out of bed, get dressed in gym gear, head to gym

9.00am: Circuit class! The gym is so quiet because of easter weekend. We do a similar circuit to last week. 20 stations, going hard for 60 seconds. I pushed myself hard on some things but not on others. I realise it's been a long time since I've had really sore muscles from a workout - make a mental note to push even harder next time. Do tonnes of ab work and way too many planks - I hate planks!

10.00am: My gym friend and I had been umming and ahhing over whether to go to breakfast as we both ahd things to do, we decided to go. Went to the lovely Kojo Brown because they have awesome tea cups, we're both big tea fans. I ordered 2 poached eggs on toast with avocado and bacon. I estimate this to be 10 points. I adjusted my plan for the rest of the day to accomodate this.

11.00am: Come home and think I still feel hungry. My stomach feels empty but I know that it's not possible so I wait a while and finally the food kicks in. I read a few blogs before I get to work showering, cleaning the house and listing a few items on ebay

1.20pm: Starting to feel hungry again. Have a glass of water (my 4th for the day) instead and read a book. Am trying to wait for the first tummy grumble before I eat.

1.30: Yup, definitely hungry. Have a muesli bar, 1.5 points read some more and then have an afternoon nap.

2.30: Have to get out of the house, the sunshine is mocking me! Got to the supermarket and while I'm there arrange to have a friend over for gin and dvds. I feel some meal plan adjustments coming on

3.30: Adjust my plan for 3 gins and some water crackers and dip. Decide against serving the peanuts I bought because I know I wont stop and 1 serve. Will have a small serve of dumplings before my friend arrives to stave off binging on crackers and will drink a glass of water between each gin. Look at my plan, realise I have no vegetables. Eat a carrot.

4.30: Have a late dumpling lunch for 2 points. I feel immediately like pigging out afterwards but distract myself by hanging out washin, doing dishes and then cleaning my teeth. about 15 minutes later the urge to eat isn't nearly as strong though I'm definitely not full. If this was a normal day I would eat again because lunch was very small but I have to save myself!

6.00pm: Mary arrives. Much gin, peanuts, dip and chocolate chip cookies are consumed. I track everything I can remember and find myself about 15 points over. Dissapointing.

My goal of sticking to my 19 points over the weekend has gone out the window but I can come back and even loose weight this week. I will not cut down my daily points intake, I'll just end up hungry and binging. I will just move on like it never happened.

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