Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Waiting for an awesome day

I haven't had a really truly awesome day on plan for a while.

I remember for about 6 months or so last year I was doing so well. Eating the points I should every day, exercising without fail.

But for the past 6 months it seems to be one thing after another that's preventing me from getting where I want to be. Some of those things are out of my control. Others, actually most, are not.

It all started when I turned 26. An age that my ex boyfriends best friend always said would be the worst year of your life. My ex, who just turned 27 two days ago, agreed, and is excited to finally be able to put the last 12 months behind him.

Since I turned 26 I have gained, lost and gained again 5kgs. spent a snowing freezing cold winter in Dublin and then Paris, where unprecedented snow put a huge dent in the image I had of Paris and made me hate public transport even more. I broke up with my boyfriend. My mother was diagnosed with cancer. I sprained my ankle. I've been sick more times than I care to remember. I moved into a flat by myself and while it's fantastic, I can now barely afford to eat.

I have done *very* well at not using any of the above as an excuse to over eat. Apart from illness and a sprained ankle keeping me away from the gym, I've generally remained quite positive.

But I tell you what, my patience is wearing thin.

After waking up this morning with a tickle in my throat, after being so proud I made it back to the gym yesterday, I could barely stay on my exercise bike this morning for more than 5 minutes. Will someone please give me a break?

Ok, time to regroup and work out how to fix this.

Firstly, unlike every other time I feel like I'm getting sick, I'm not going to ignore it. As soon as I finish this post I'm off to run some errands. While out I'll pick up some cheap cold and flu tablets and some echinacea and orange juice for vitamin c. Sure, I can't really afford it, but I can't really afford to be sick either.

I will *not* resort to eating. when I get sick I genuinly feel hungry all. the. time. I am a bottomless pit! But I don't want to gain 2 kgs before the weekend (when I'll be back at WW and was *hoping* for a mammoth loss but I feel like that's a pipe dream now).

I will keep slugging away, I wont use anything that's happened in the last year as an excuse to undo all my good work.

I will remember how awesome I feel when I'm fit, active, eating well and getting smaller. I don't care if I never make goal, I want to feel good! Forever!

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